Friday, November 28, 2014
DESTINY: Such Hubris.
Blast apart the door they do and out pour these myriad enemies. You know they're enemies because the English-speaking fellows are shooting at them, and they don't speak any civilized language (and they look scary too! Why do these antagonists never look like cute little bunnies or kittens or something? Always so humanoid).
As the first enemies pour out, one says 'Looks like the party has started,' to which the other replies something about wanting his floating computer to play Classical music. Que Led Zeppelin's 'Immigrant Song.'
There's something funny about playing a song about Vikings fighting their way to Valhalla that's probably lost on the average viewer. I mean, yeah, the protagonists are definitely invading the natives, so that's probably a decent track to pick. But what I don't get is why they apparently have a floating computer that has the entire history of music on it (mind you, Destiny has to be set sometime a LONG time from now - are you gonna put several-hundred year old music on your future MP3 player? I doubt you can stream Pandora from servers on Earth to somewhere light-years away almost instantly...)
Also, it's pretty awesome how we Americans all pretty much still have the exact same dialect several hundred years from now, and intergalactic warriors are gonna be listening to English music (of all the possible worlds full of music, ours is still the most awesome, music no one of that time is going to have any real ties to). I mean, seriously, who wants to listen to a Holophoner (thanks, Futurama!) when you have remastered vinyl from several centuries ago?
Maybe this is why I don't play video games so much anymore...
Monday, November 24, 2014
Alright, it seems that perhaps my last article was not the clearest in terms of defining what an atheist is, and I think I finally agree that perhaps there are no atheists.
Let me break it down real quick.
Last article I needed to discuss a specific issue regarding theology and morality. I defined atheist and pointed out that most people are. Let's pause there, add that is the relevant bit.
Theism is holding a belief in a god. Atheism is holding no such belief.
So let's say one is Christian. One is believing, then, that God exists and simultaneously that every other god doesn't exist.
So let's turn that around. Let's say one is atheist. An atheist like myself, let's say, that believes firmly there is no Christian god. I also hold a belief in this god, I believe exactly the opposite thing as a Christian. Thus, believing it about all gods makes me Atheist. But as I hold a belief concerning said god, shouldn't I be a theist?
Sure, there's middle of the road folks too, but in that case it is also petty clear. It is rather impossible to believe (belief is active) that two disparate entities made the same universe.
Ergo, I rest my case. I guess I didn't change my mind. Everyone is still atheist; this doesn't preclude one from being theist.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Falsehood of Compositional Homogeniety and Dichotomy Falacy
The title is a proposal for a new type of categorical, compound fallacy.
To start with, a common fallacy employed by lots of religious folks.
Without god, people would be evil.This is the basic point offered by most religious apologists. As many have said before, if the presence of a god is what's stopping you from committing evil, then perhaps it's not the people without god (who are acting morally, generally) who are evil, but the people of god who would otherwise do all sorts of evil things. This leads to a direct fallacy in itself.
With god, people are good.This creates the implication (falsely) that anyone who believes in a god is inherently a good person, somehow. It's as though, because you claim to be on the side of god, you are ineffable. Clearly, a godly person and a not-so-godly person can commit crimes, in fact the same crime, and yet somehow it's only the 'godless' person who is evil, for some reason. When presented with this point, some religious will point out something like the next fallacy.
Lots of atheists have done evil things, therefore atheists can't be moral.Never mind that most of these 'atheists' are quite religious folks, usually. And this is where we arrive at the title of the post. Almost. Usually at this point, it's simple enough to point out the Crusades, the various Holy Wars of the past, or any number of other things that are just as immoral or amoral.
Well, that's not how our religion is now.And thus it comes full circle. Atheists are, to these religious folks, a homogeneous group, and everyone shares the exact same ideology, regardless of the fact that there's no unifying principles laid out in a book that describes our... lack of belief?
Well, that's not what I believe.
Well, that's in the past and isn't pertinent.
et cetera.
So to the first point, the primary point, it's as though (for example) Christians are allowed multitudes of sectarian groups, all believing different things to different extents, are somehow still all 'Christians.' If Atheists show such separation on issues, however, it's completely ignored for some reason I can't fathom.
If we reversed it, took the corollary, it would be saying that The Pope is a Christian and therefore every single Christian is Catholic and shares exactly the same morals as every pope who existed before. I mean, if Hitler was an atheist (he was a christian, actually, but let's put that aside a moment), then atheists have no morality, goes the argument. Ergo, the corollary is that various Popes were in power during the crusades, therefore Christians share that morality, or lack thereof.
In a roundabout way, this brings me to my next point: everyone is an atheist. Let's break it down a bit.
(A)theism, regardless of your technical description of it, deals with belief in a divine being, usually a creator of the universe or the pantheon to which such beings exist. So let's present an exercise for the reader.
Please check all of the gods you believe in:
- Marduk / Gilgamesh
- Ahura Mazda / Zoroaster
- Allah
- Jesus
- Gaia
- Zeus
- Apollo
- Odin
- Raijin
Be good, my friends!