Today I'm going to respond to this blog post from the venereal... I mean, venerable Joel Osteen
The scripture says a lot of things, but I'm glad to know that you think anything done in your god's name is good.
Well, he's got to be. It's not like he knows everything and can do anything, right?
I've heard this one before.
So all the good and bad in life is, in fact, at the behest of god? Most people won't admit that, but Joel will.
You just told me that people whose cars blow up and kill them is part of god's plan. Childhood cancer that kills children before they're old enough to speak. Gout. Morgellons disease. Cystic fibrosis.
You're telling me these things work for our good? I bet you're not gonna justify that, are you?
I'm sorry, little Johnny, but you have to understand. God gave you this cancer that's gonna kill you soon, but don't be frustrated. It's for your own good, Johnny.
That's right, little Johnny, god ordained you with the holy cancer, to move you through an incredibly painful existence, because that's your destiny. Praise god, abuser of children, maker of wretches, deliverer of pestilence and strategic evil monger.
You hear that, lads?
We just can't comprehend god's wisdom when he allows this stuff to happen.
If we can't comprehend his wisdom, then why's he gotta be strategically causing children to suffer abuse, or old men to be shot, for their own good, for their own destiny.You are not a pleasant person, Joel.
How exactly did a bullet to the head work for the old man's good? How does abuse work for the good of those children?
God can do anything, and that's why he makes you cheat on your wife I guess.
I mean, god could've also just made the servant barren, or made Sarah to be fertile, but I guess that wouldn't work for some reason.
What part of being a slave worked toward the good of the maid, again?
Mysterious ways...
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What door did god open for Holofernes? |
God is so amazing that he couldn't just, you know, tell us who his chosen person was before some jerks tried to put him in shackles.
Ain't that a shame? I hate losing things too.
Did you really, though? Did you look at the bottom of the Marianas trench? I think you're engaging in hyperbole here, Joel.
Dang, Joel is just like us. He doesn't even have 54 million dollars for another private jet. He has to drive, like some commoner.Maybe god will do some good in his life and get him another jet soon.
Don't worry, I'm sure god will protect you.
Rend unto Caesar!
Dude, you gotta keep that stuff with your owner's manual. That makes it very easy to find!
How much stuff does Joel keep in his glove box, anyway?
I didn't know this was one of those kinds of sermons. This might get racy.
It's a shame he didn't just make you go the speed limit and, I dunno, not cause your wife to lose the ring in the first place.
You do realize there's no mistakes if god does everything, right? You do realize he caused your wife to lose her ring just so you could get a speeding ticket, right? You've got your causality backward. He didn't cause you to speed so you'd find the ring.
More to the point, though, you probably didn't even get a ticket for only going 5mph over. Was this also god's doing? Again, if he works to make these things happen, then nothing is an accident, and every thing that happens is because god strategically makes it happen.
Thanks for tuning in!