Wednesday, December 11, 2019


If you're not aware already, youtube rewind kinda fell flat again this year.  Pewdiepie summed it up perfectly when he said that he would have reservations about being in the next one if they asked him.  Here's my two cents on the subject.

Basically, if Rewind is to be good in 2020, or any year for that matter, it needs to address things that actually are happening during the year on the platform.  Sure, a list video of a few categories of things is good for selling your platform to advertisers, but at the same time, Michael from VSauce who now does the Red series Mindfield wasn't even mentioned.  As a person who pays for Red, a nod to that service in general would've been neat.  An actual skit like we had in years prior would've been neat also. 

Let me set a stage here, for an example.  Youtube wants to appeal to its audience, as well as its advertisers, so go in strong.  Opening scene is something like Michael Stephens saying "What is a rewind?  What makes it good? What if we look to some creators to answer this question for us?"  Then some artsy cutaway to Tom Scott and Matt Gray sitting on a park bench (or on Pewd's steps or something), discussing how analytics are important, but so are reviews, like the ever-popular meme review, and because this is a year in review, maybe we should take a look at this...

and then someone pops in with a pie, maybe Numberphile or ViHart, and reminds us about Pi day and some of the big videos associated with it, and with educational channels in general, as Smarter Everyday or Nile Red or 3blue1brown or Backyard Scientist do things in the background.  Know what else is fun to learn?

Then The Licc plays, and the camera cuts to an auditorium, where Adam Neely, Boyinaband, 331erock, and a bunch of other music youtubers are all doing musical things, in a concert-like fashion around a room or something, a few seconds of the same theme from each of them, maybe with some animated channels contributing something as the music plays and TheOdd1sout's character dances with Weebl's or Savlonic's animated avatars, among others. 

Then this would transition seamlessly into some Kpop band saying 'but can you do this' or whatever and busting into synchronized dance, as the dance and beauty channel icons do their thing, the camera cutting around etc. 

Then, to cap all this off, Lindy Beige runs in with a tank and tells us some neat thing about some historical battle thing, as an epic rap battle between Dan Bull and someone else ensues in the background. 

Obviously, this is tilted somewhat in the direction of channels I watch, but I bet you'd be 100% more likely to actually watch and enjoy Rewind if it were done like this with bigger and smaller creators all mashed up into a visually entertaining and solid sounding set piece, that actually reflected various trends throughout the year.  Obviously, there could be Crab Rave or whatever as part of the backing track, and Mr Beast could be planting each cut like a tree, or slapping it up on a billboard, or whatever.

As pewds points out, Rewind could also have had a moment of silence to remember some of the creators who are no longer with us.  There's so much potential that was just lost this year.  Let's hope Youtube figures out what makes it great before it hangs itself with the short end of rope it has left...