Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Youtube tomfoolery

Apparently youtube thinks I would like to watch kids shows, nursery rhymes, and so on, from channels I'm not even subscribed to.

I'm watching PhillyD.  I'm subscribed to people like Mundane Matt, PewDiePie, Bearing, and other channels that are definitely more closely related to him than any of these suggestions.

Is youtube just blatantly spamming people now?  I pay for Red so I don't have to have advertisements.  If I let autoplay go, I'd end up watching whatever stuff this is.

Youtube appears to be losing its sanity as of late.  So weird.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Rest in peace, Stephen Hawking.

Stephen Hawking passed away today.  Here's a good video about him and his achievements.

"A still more glorious dawn awaits..."
-Carl Sagan

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Cool Creators #11: Bill Wurtz

This is a post in a series about creators I enjoy.

Today's creator I would like to introduce you to is Bill Wurtz.  He has been around for quite some time, and his unique style is fun to observe.  His videos, for example, are very well produced and have a purposefully slapdash feel, with heavy contrasts in color and mood.  Most of his videos are fairly short, but more recently they've become longer.  Check this one out, I really dig it.

I think it is safe to say that his style is unique among creators, on youtube or elsewhere.

Bill also has a website, where you can ask him various questions, or view most of his previous work.  He also has a twitter where he apparently makes one post per day.  If you enjoy his work, be sure to subscribe, so you can be the first to know when his new creations arrive!

Thanks for tuning in!  Stay tuned for more short blog posts on creators I enjoy!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Cool Creators #10: Poisoning The Well

This is a post in a series of posts about creators I enjoy.

Today I'd like to introduce you to Poisoning The Well, a comedy duo who consistently creates social commentary videos in a humorous manner.  Each video is well produced and timely, and addresses a current event in the social media sphere.  From the skeptic clone uproar to the dawn of internet bloodsports, PhatPat and SoFain give their unique style and spin to the events that shape our online lives.  Take for example this video, perhaps the best video on this channel, regarding whether or not dogs have boobs brains, I mean.  Do dogs have brains?  The intro's a bit long on this one, but I guarantee you'll enjoy it, or your melons money back!

The epitome of high-brow entertainment.

If you enjoyed that, be sure to subscribe for all their new content IN REAL TIME!  You can also find SoFain and Phatpat on twitter.  They can also be followed on facebook, and I hear they have a functional website resting at this domain.

Stay tuned next time as we look at other great creators that I enjoy. Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Cool Creators #9: Rawman

This is a post in a series I'm doing on creators I enjoy.

Seems that I missed a few days, sorry about that y'all.  I got kinda busy and sidetracked.

Today I'd like to introduce you to one of my favorite creators, Rawman.  He is a self-professed grime rapper with an affection for video games and formal complaints.

This video here is indicative of his style, and I think you'll enjoy it.  This one particularly is a review of a movie he really enjoyed, and you can see his passion for it.

You can also find Rawman on Twitter if that's your kind of thing. Don't forget to subscribe if you enjoy his content.

Stay tuned next time when we look at another of my favorite creators!